Main Features
Antivirus Specialist

Keep your Android phone always safe with scan features
Cloud scan guarantees fast response to any new and variant malwares.
Real-time monitoring promises impeccable security.
Prevent personal information leakage
Privacy cleaning empties browser history, search history and clipboard record to prevent information leaking risk.
Privacy cover smartly protects your personal data (payment information, messenger talks,etc.) from peeping by the surrounding people.
Block malicious SMS or unwanted Calls
Dr.Capsule immediately detects and notifies any malicious SMS containing threats such as link to malicious app installation.
Users can easily block unwanted calls by simply registering particular caller's numbers.
Get more space by cleaning unnecessary files.
Dr.Capsule eliminates cache and log files, unnecessary apk and empty folders to give the smartphone more space.
Messenger cleaner empties cache files and thumbnails piled up in your smartphone while you exchange photos and videos with your friends via messenger.
Upgrade your smartphone's performance by memory optimizing.
Phone booster closes selected apps on activation to optimize your phone's memory condition.
If users set Auto boosting function on, the phone's memory will be automatically optimized during the time when phone screen is off.
Manage the battery life more easily.
With Battery saver, users can manage their phones more efficiently and have longer battery life.
Users can turn on Optimized mode - Hyper charger, Sleep mode and Power saver - for their circumstances of use.